About Bitcoin Generator?
# How to get Bitcoin Generator PRO?
Ans: Presently you need order manually by contact support. We are working on automated
 payment order system. Automated system will coming soon.
# How long time take to my order delivery?
Ans: 10 minute to 30 minute
# Is there any refund policy?
Ans: If our program not work for you. We will refund instantly.
# Is there any risk to use the program?
Ans: No. Our Program completely safe for you.
# How many BTC i can generate in a day?
Ans: 1 BTC to 2 BTC
# Need deposit fund for generate bitcoin?
Ans: Don't need Bitcoin to use this software. Even your balance is 0.0 BTC. This software still work 100%.
About investment Program?
How to Deposit on investment Program?
Ans:  You need do it manually by contact support. when you deposit on the investment program, 
you will get 8 digit unique pin code. Don't share your pin to other. It's important to get paid and for
 any inquiry or support. If you contact after deposit for any inquiry or any issue. we will ask your pin.
After successfully deposit your payment you will see your name on our payment proof page
 with your get paid date. when we sent your payment. you will see payment transaction 
details snapshot link  on the page. also we will send you a copy of it to your mail.
We are working on automated system. Automated system will coming soon.
If you have any questions please contact us. We will be glad to help you. 
Support team will be support you. Support By  Email 
